About Us

AR Agriculture is a website dedicated or the promotion of all agricultural activities and practices in Arkansas. The website focuses on the evolution of Arkansas agriculture from subsistent to become a commercial agricultural hub in the nation. Today, over forty percent of the rice produced in the United States comes from Arkansas. This success in rice production is not isolated from the numerous researches and integration of technology from the production to the processing of these agricultural products to a form that is ready-to-eat by the consumers. This tremendous growth in agriculture is a trend that should be encouraged considering the fact that the population of the world is increasing at an alarming state.

Our Belief

The world is in a dire need to produce more food. Drought and wars in different parts of the world are cutting down the food supply increasing the threat of food scarcity. If we must survive the looming food scarcity as a human race, we need to produce more food to feed those who are most vulnerable across the world. We believe that the only way the world can meet up with this food challenge is through the use of appropriate technologies. Some of the founding fathers of agriculture in Arkansas used crude equipment which limited the amount of land they could cultivate. That has changed with the coming of advanced technological tools.

We believe that many nations of the world are facing similar food shortage because they are unable to make maximum use of their arable lands. By bringing to the limelight advanced agricultural process of Arkansas, we hope to inspire other nations around the world to adopt similar strategies to deal with their looming food crisis.

Arkansas has great agricultural institutions which are still not very popular in certain areas of the world. We believe that young aspiring farmers from across the world have a lot to gain if they can enroll in some of these institutions to gain knowledge on modern agricultural practices.

Our Heritage

We are strongly behind researches that will promote the development of improved seeds or agricultural practices that will enhance crop production. While human beings are making efforts to improve agricultural yields, we must not also forget to conserve the environment to avoid undue pollution and production of greenhouse gases like methane which will have an adverse effect on the crops.

Leaving an environment that is safe for the younger environment as well as providing food security are some of the legacies that we must hand down to the next generation. The government of Arkansas is taking great strides to promote agriculture through grants and various other programs. These efforts and techniques need to be copied by other nations across the world.

The most important economic crops in Arkansas has changed over the years. The lesson to learn from this is that agriculture should be dynamic rather than static. Emphasis should be on producing to meet the demand of the consumers because that is one of the ways we can minimize post-production loses.

Our Vision
AR Agriculture envisions a world of healthy citizens and environment with adequate food security through the utilization of advanced technologies.
Our Mission

At AR Agriculture, we are committed to providing you with all the modern techniques to increase agricultural yield and productivity. This we hope to achieve by providing information on all the upcoming agricultural events in Arkansas.

As one generation of farmers age, it is important that we find a new generation of farmers to take their place. Currently, the interest of many youths is far from agriculture. We hope to provide interesting information like the numerous agricultural museums in Arkansas to inspire a new generation of farmers.

We know that the task of mental reorientation is not an easy one but we accept the challenge to speak up and raise awareness on the need for improved agricultural participation across the globe.

The Future
The task of ensuring food security is not an isolated one, it is a mission that has to be embraced by all and sundry. There is no justification for any human being to go to bed on an empty stomach irrespective of the part of the world they reside. We need to join hands together to create a world where every human being has access to balanced nutrition.